Offset Tailstock with Live Center, Dead Center for Turning, MT1, MT2 & MT3 Shanks

Offset Tailstock w/ live center, Dead Center. For Taper Turning, MT1, MT2 & MT3 Shanks. Offset Tailstock New Style. Plastic Case w/ Padding. PRECISE TAPER TURNING ATTACHMENT. GIVES YOU THE FREEDOM FROM OLD TRADITIONAL METHOD OF OFF-SETTING THE TAILSTOCK OF YOUR LATHE, WHEN YOU WANTED TO DO THE METAL TURNING IN A TAPER PROFILE. THIS ATTACHMENT HAS A MUCH BETTER CONTROL, PRECISION AND QUALITY. SLIDE CAN BE SHIFTED 25 MM LEFT & RIGHT. Please note that the 1 handle rotation will off set the attachment by 1 mm. It has a double bearing live revolving center on the front to hold the workpiece from center. The revolving center point is hardened & precisely ground. Made from quality tool steel, this attachment makes the taper turning operation much easier than before and gives you the freedom of old school method of off setting the tailstock for turning taper profile on lathe machine. The attachment’s slide is provided with a brass gib for fine movement and adjustment & locking through the slide’s screws & bolts. Shanks are precisely ground.
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