Power Draw bar fits Bridgeport J-head milling machines and many imports

Economical pneumatic power draw-bar for bridgeport j-head mills, runs on pressures up to 90 psi, do not exceed that pressure. And it will give you years of faithful service. Uses the stock draw bar. Just screw the 2 extension sleeves to the 5/16 bolts on top of the mill, mount the adapter plate, and bolt the power draw bar to the plate, the 3rd stand is 3/8 shorter than the other two and as you can see from the picture sits on top of the head casting. It can be left that way, or you can drill and tap a 1/4-20 thread into the mill casting and anchor the draw bar at all 3 points. A 3/4 socket is included. Apply air pressure, set the regulator to 90 psi and you are done. J-head and the variable head bridgeport and clone models. I will try to change the picture as soon as i can.
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